Wilmington Baptist Church
We Are Glad You Are Here!Our Services
WBC has two services on Sunday and a Wednesday night prayer and bible study group. We also have various ministry groups that meet through the week. We also have an addiction recovery program called Reformers Unamimous. Here at WBC we have something for everyone. Check us out and let us help you get connected.
About Us
WBC is a Bible believing, KJV Bible preaching church, that strives to glorify God. We earnestly fulfill our part of the Great Commission that the Lord gave to His church (churches) before He ascended back to heaven. We offer ministries designed to evangelize, disciple, and edify every age group.
WBC is a friendly family of born again, baptized believers. We would love to have the opportunity to minister to you and the privilege of getting to know you.
Our location is easy to find. We are just outside of Wilmington, OH right off state route 68. We look forward to seeing you here!
Have Kids?
We have everything from Sunday school to VBS so there is always something for your kids to do.
Get Connected
Want to get plugged in? WBC has many different ministry opportunities for you to help equip WBC and it’s members to go out and share the gospel message. From Sunday school to VBS we have a place for you!
Service Times
Sunday School 10:00AM
Sunday Morning 11:00AM
Sunday Evening 6:30PM
Wednesday Evening 7:00PM
Wednesday Youth & Teens 7:00PM
Overcomers Class 10:00AM
Other Ministries
Visitation/Witnessing Saturday 11:00AM
Men’s Bible Study 2nd Thursday 6:30PM
Men’s Prayer Saturday 7:00PM
Our Mission & Vision
At Wilmington Baptist Church Our vision and mission is to reach the lost for Christ and to help the saints grow in faith and knowledge of Jesus Christ.

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About Us
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Where to Find Us
Phone: (937) 382 – 8012
Email: WBCwilmington@gmail.com
Mail: WBC, PO Box 1039
Wilmington Ohio 45177
2873 US Hwy 68 SouthWilmington, OH 45177